Juvenile Brass Orchestra in Tet, Hungary

Juvenile Brass Orchestra in Tet, Hungary

Juvenile Brass Orchestra in Tet, Hungary

The Juvenile Brass Orchestra of Tet was established with 16 members in 1976. Nowadays the group has around 70-75 active members (mostly amateur musicians).

In average the band performs approximately 60 concerts per year having on its resume a wide repertoire to represent:

  • classic pieces,
  • church concerts,
  • traditional Hungarian music,
  • marches,
  • musical pieces,
  • pop hits,
  • movie soundtracks.

Usually the summer is considered to be the busiest and enjoyable period for the band mainly because, most of the times, it has the opportunity to go abroad (Holland, Germany, France, Austria, Poland, Slovakia).This means that there is a really good opportunity to meet other foreign orchestras, get to know each other better and learn about the music of different cultures as well.

Due to the fact that the band has sometimes more invitations in the same time for different places, they have a group of younger musicians (circa 30 people) and therefore they can manage with the same orchestra to appear in more places at the same time.

The conductor and founder, of Juvenile Brass Orchestra in Tet (Teti Ifjusagi Fuvoszenekar) is called Steszli Tibor.